Sunday, August 7, 2011

Stuck in the Middle

Actually it isn't the middle - more like the first third. Either way I have been in such a slump. I spent a good deal of time tonight (yes, I am supposed to be working) reading up on the mechanics of writing - character development, plotting, outlining. I am actually considering interviewing my characters because they are shouting, "Get to know me!" The insight will help me past this particular mind freeze and put the focus back where it belongs. Tate is the uncooperative one right now. He insists he would not do what I am asking of him. And Willa - don't even get me started on her.

Have you ever written something that you were passionate about, had the words flowing like a mountain stream after the snow melts and then realized a certain plot point no longer sits right with you? And because of that you can't move forward because it keeps niggling at the back of your mind and refuses to cease being a distraction? I am in that place right now and I do not want to go back and rewrite when I know I will be heavily editing once the story is done. So how do I get that irritating voice to keep quiet?


  1. You can't make the irritating voice shut up. Just like you can't make it shut up when you want to do something you should NOT do or be with someone inappropriate but damn....

    Realize what you're hearing and keep on going and the voice will eventually fade because it's your own inner editor and she's an awful nag. Mine is anyway.

  2. The inner editor needs to take a vacation if you ask me. A long cruise - something. I can ignore the IE but I am having a hard time ignoring Tate.


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