Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Gifting Books Christmas Giveaway Hop

It is the season of giving and what better way than to giveaway books! Nat at Reading Romances is hosting a huge event and I am pleased that a PDF copy of The Hero Sandwich along with a $20 gift card to the Breathless Press site are among the prizes! Imagine the holiday books you can buy with that!

Clicking the image on the left will take you to Nat's site and the rafflecopter where you can enter to win. Check out the rest of the fantastic prizes and visit the participating author blogs for more prizes.

I love receiving books as gifts and each one is special to me. And right now there are several holiday stories that I look forward to reading!  Happy holidays!


  1. thanks so much for the chance to win!

  2. I love getting books as gifts! Thanks for the giveaway!


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