Friday, June 17, 2011

Curse You Passive Voice

I have to lock the internal editor in a closet somewhere with a bunch of books on the iPad and a box of chocolates. Ever have one of those days where the squiggly lines in Word compel you to focus on them until the sentence structure is correct? My internal editor and I have had many an argument about the validity of some things including dialog.

IE: That is a fragmented sentence. Oh, and you should fix that apostrophe. It will up the word count.

Me: I don't care. That's how Ryan talks.

IE: That is how Ryan talks.

Me: That's what I said.

IE: No you did not.

Get my meaning? Short of turning off spelling and grammar check how do you ignore the squiggly lines? And wordiness. Seriously? Eleven words is wordy? Really?


  1. I can't ignore the squiggly lines. They drive me batty. I write a LOT of fragmented sentences, but I'm writing in a person's voice, so I think it's okay and try not to over do it.

    Most of my stuff is actually written in wordpad rather than Word proper. And then when I finish the chapter, I double check it in word after I've gotten out what I wanted to say.

    I am a horrible speller when left to my own devices...

  2. I have considered turning it off but I will always be wondering about the spelling and grammar. It would almost be too distracting not to have them. Plus it is one more excuse to avoid a bad plot point or writers block.

    Wordpad is a good idea. But then I would be pasting into Word proper "just in case". I'm just bad that way. I do fragments and apostrophes because as I said in the post, that is how some characters talk.


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